Fewer Cars Could Improve Guernsey's Harbours

A survey by the Guernsey Development Agency shows people want fewer cars and more green spaces along the east coast.

More than 1200 people took part in the GDA survey on the harbours and surrounding areas. The organisation says this gives it confidence that the responses are accurate.

It's surprising, perhaps, that in an island with such a high level of car ownership that what people say they want is a better balance between traffic and pedestrians. 42% said this yet ironically 56% said the thing they most regularly did at the harbours was drive their car.

In St Peter Port, many wanted to see more temporary sea front closures. In terms of redevelopment, aside from the harbour itself, opinion was split between the bus terminus area and the North Beach.

In St Sampsons, Leale's Yard, which is due to be turned into housing, was seen as a redevelopment priority, along with the Quay Side area on North Side.

The provision of more green spaces and more private housing generally were seen as a priority.

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