Extra High Speed Condor Service After Delayed Maintenance

Condor will put on an extra high speed sailing between Poole and Guernsey & Jersey on 1 November.

It's to help offset the backlog caused by the Commodore Goodwill being out of service for planned maintenance.

The ship was damaged while in dry dock in Santander northern Spain and this has delayed its return to the Channel Islands.

Whilst repairs where underway the MV Midas was used as a stand in, however Condor expect the Goodwill to be back in service next week.

To keep up with the company's passengers commitments, the extra sailing will be in addition to Monday and Friday's scheduled journeys.

John Napton, CEO of Condor, says they've made the best of a difficult situation:

"I am pleased we have been able to accommodate freight and passenger needs next week with, I hope, minimal inconvenience to customers.

Originally, we’d planned to put on a high speed sailing next Wednesday and provide a spread of departures across the five days, but the weather forecast that day isn’t great, so a Tuesday service is therefore our best option to provide greater certainty."

The Midas will continue to be used in a freight role over the next few weeks.

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