Every Report Counts in MedSafetyWeek

Islanders are being asked to report the side-effects from medication they take as part of Health and Social Care's participation in Med Safety Week.

It's the fifth year the campaign has run and it aims to  raise awareness about the importance of reporting suspected side effects from medicines to The Yellowcard Scheme.
The theme of the campaign is ‘every report counts’ and can help others in future.

By reporting, you can help make medicines safer for everyone.

Janine Clarke, Pharmacy Manager at HSC says:

“Patient safety is always our top priority. We have identified many new safety issues that were unknown before they were reported to the MHRA via the Yellow Card Scheme; for example it was a concern of a Pharmacist in the UK that patients may inadvertently choke on the capsules they were using in their inhalers if they put the capsule in the wrong place, so it was reported to the MHRA who worked with the manufacturers to improve the inhaler design. 
We hope that this important campaign encourages everyone to report suspected side effects from medicines. Every report counts and contributes to improving the safety of medicines for all patients.” 

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