The Director of Education is expected to publish his first strategy for schooling and further education early next year.
The Education, Sport and Culture Committee will publish its island-wide aims, in conjunction with Nick Hynes, for the 2022/2023 academic year.
Mr Hynes says it will make the priorities set out for teachers, government and students clear to everybody.
"It's going to be a big job so it's about getting in and understanding and speaking to colleagues. It's about understanding the mandate that we've got at the moment.
The education strategy will set out a clear blueprint, not just for people working within education, but for the community to understand what we're doing and why we're doing it.
Importantly, how we're going to improve the outcomes for children and young people but also how we're going to ensure that, in the future, everybody is successful because it is a community responsibility."
Although Mr Hynes only took over as Director of Education two weeks ago, he says this plan has been in the works for a longer period of time.
"We've been working with the committee and education leaders for a number of months already on looking at what the four corner stones of that strategy are, if you like.
That's around developing those good outcomes, around making sure that we have equity, safety and inclusivity. It's around making sure that we're meeting the needs of the community."
Following his appointment, the new Director of Education also threw his support behind ESC's proposals for secondary and post-16 education that were passed in the States last week.
Further details on the current education strategy for the 2021/2022 academic year are yet to be published.