The company donated £25,000 to support its nominated charity, funding a support team member for a year.
Up to 2,000 Bailiwick children benefit from one to one mental health sessions through the Commission.
The money will be invaluable in keeping the otherwise unfunded service running for a further 12 months, in addition to helping to raise the Commission's profile, allowing even more children in need to receive the help they need.
Services offered include specialist support in bereavement through the Commission’s Sunflower Project, as well as support for victims of child sexual exploitation.
CEO of The Youth Commission Charlie Cox said, “We are thrilled with the donation from Credit Suisse. The team has shown tremendous passion, energy and commitment supporting us through their fantastic events.”
Funds were raised through a range of activities including weekly mufti days, cake sales, sausage sizzle, raffles, Santa Surf and beach cricket.
If you are between nine and eighteen and struggling with your mental health, or you know someone who is, contact the GYC on 756099, or visit youthcommission.gg/.