The Senior Constable of St Peter Port will retire tomorrow (29 October) after serving the Guernsey public for more than a decade.
Dennis Le Moignan has served the community in various roles for more than 50 years.
He has been a fire officer, a teaching assistant at Le Rondin School, Douzenier and Constable.
Mr Le Moignan says it has been 'a privilege to serve' but his health 'comes first'.
"After almost 11 years as Constable of St Peter Port, and following ill health in the recent past, I have decided to be sensible and retire as from the end of the working day tomorrow, Friday 29 October 2021.
It has been a privilege to serve the community ... but health comes first, so now I intend to relax and enjoy some free time.
Thank you for all your support in the past."