Activity packs are being given out to more than 500 Guernsey families to celebrate Liberation Day.
Booklets containing crosswords, word searches and colouring are included - as well as a pebble-painting set.
Guernsey and Union flags are also being given out at Beau Sejour ahead of the Cavalcade.
"We are so pleased to be able to enable hundreds of children the chance to paint pebbles and to wave flags at the cavalcade. We encourage all to share pictures for everyone to enjoy." - Deputy Sue Aldwell, Committee for Education, Sport and Culture.
The packs have been sponsored by Credit Suisse.
They can be collected from Beau Sejour reception during the centre’s opening hours from Monday 2 May until Liberation Day on May 9.
Smaller celebrations are taking place across the island after the authorities announced they would be making funding available to each of the ten parishes rather than staging the seafront celebration in St Peter Port.
The Earl and Countess of Wessex will be visiting the Channel Islands on Liberation Day.