The Quay, Church Square and Lower Pollet to be closed to vehicles this weekend (30-31 May 2020)
Changes are being made in Town this weekend to support shoppers maintain social distancing and help the hospitality trade make the most of this fantastic summer weather.
The Quay (between the Crown Pier and Fountain Street) will be closed to vehicles from 10am tomorrow (Saturday 30 May 2020) through to 7am on Monday (1 June 2020). This will allow islanders to enjoy the seafront without traffic, will support businesses and help gauge community feelings
towards using the seafront in this way during periods when it is not needed to help manage commuter traffic. Consideration will also be given to whether similar closures in evenings could benefit the night-time economy and wider community.
The Lower Pollet and Church Square will also be closed to vehicles this weekend (again from 10am on Saturday through to 7am on Monday). This will help shoppers, who will hopefully be keen to make use of many more retailers being able to open again from tomorrow, maintain social distancing.
Access will not be permitted within these times so any deliveries or specific visits will need to be managed outside of these times or from the nearest safe place. The Blue Badge accessible bays and the taxi rank in Church Square will be temporarily relocated to The Albany (South Esplanade).
It is appreciated that, like many other decisions relating to the current crisis, this decision has been made at short notice. Officers of the States are working with businesses now to make the most of this opportunity.
Deputy Gavin St. Pier said he wants Guernsey to try and find ways of maintaining some of the benefits that many have enjoyed during lockdown, such as an increased sense of tranquillity on roads.
‘Lockdown has been incredibly challenging for many of us and we all share an understandable sense of excitement at the progress we have made as GuernseyTogether, with that progress enabling us to move through the phases quicker than expected. But for many, the huge reduction in general movement around our island has been a surprising bonus.
'Guernsey is a beautiful place and having been able to enjoy the outdoor environments we have been blessed with, without heavy traffic, is something I and colleagues are keen to maintain in some way. The road closures will also help ensure that pedestrians can more easily ensure
good social distance from each other.
‘As a community, we also need to work together to support the hospitality trade who have been so badly hit in this crisis. I hope this decision helps them safely increase their trade and aids their own business’ recovery.
‘It is that thinking that led to us making the decision to close the Quay this weekend to allow islanders and businesses to enjoy the increased freedom that closing what is a very short strip of road will bring – not least because of the fantastic weather we are currently enjoying. We will review how this weekend goes before making any further decisions, but again it’s important that we take the opportunities lockdown has brought us to re-evaluate how we can strike a better balance between traffic management and allowing everyone to enjoy the beauty our island has to offer.’