All students and teachers across the Bailiwick will be tested for Covid-19 before returning to school this September.
The authorities say the programme aims to reduce the risk of infection.
All children attending nursery, preschool or a childminder will be asked to have a lower nasal PCR test in late August or early September.
Early years providers will pass contact details to the Covid testing team who will then contact parents to arrange a time for them to attend the drive through centre at the PEH.
Primary age children will be asked to take two Lateral Flow Tests - under parental supervision- in the week before they go back to school.
Secondary students, those in post-16 education, teachers and support staff will also be asked to take to lateral flows tests in the week before they return to studies, and will also be asked to continue twice-weekly testing as part of the surveillance programme.
Helplines will open on Monday (23 August) for anyone with questions about the education testing programme. Call 01481 733017 or email [email protected]