The organiser of an initiative that aims to encourage people to leave the car at home says it is working, despite no radical reduction in the number of car journeys this week.
Alternative Travel Week is organised by the Better Journeys Project and has three days left to run (16-20 May).
Its aim is to encourage people to enjoy the commute by walking, cycling or taking the bus and then keep that habit through the summer months, or longer.
Barrie Duerden from BJP says car use is a default option in Guernsey:
“From our extensive traffic monitoring, we know that commuting habits are very ingrained with no rise in cycling or walking compared to car use, which stands at 70% or more, whatever the season or in school holidays.
We have limited road space and there are people that need to use cars, vans and lorries for work. The answer is for more islanders to take the opportunity to travel sustainably."
But a number of people have told Island FM that the roads appear to be just as busy this week, with no noticeable increase in the number of people walking or cycling.
Barrie Duerden says he's got evidence that people are embracing change:
"We know that most of the schools are participating. They're doing walking trains, step counts. There are dozens of firms that are participating. There's even one firm,. RBSI, that's closed its car park for the week, so it is happening."
Tomorrow (19 May), in what may be a first, seasoned swimmer Jayne Peckham will swap her cycle commute from the Bridge to Town, and swim across Belgreve Bay instead.