Alderney residents and visitors will be able to walk ashore on a new pontoon this summer season.
Fixed to the southern end of commercial berth number one, the new pontoon hopes to improve Braye Harbour's passenger landing facilities, making the shore more accessible and arriving a safer, easier experience.
The design also makes it possible to lift it from the water when bad weather is forecast.
The States of Alderney say these improvements were identified as a priority project during the 2022 season.
Chair of the General Services Committee, Lin Maurice, says he is pleased with the new pontoon:
“I can’t thank the Harbour team enough for their help with this project, and the contractors Siteweld Ltd from Guernsey.
We’re delighted it’s now in position and has immediately proved its value to all visitors, especially those using the Causeway Explorer ferry service, and of course our local residents.”
An additional tyre fender will be placed on berth number three on a trial basis to mitigate the loss of mooring space caused by the introduction of the pontoon.