Deputy Adrian Gabriel says the night bus is one of several options for people trying to get home after a weekend evening in Town.
An inflation-busting increase of 42% for a single fare on the popular night bus service has been defended by the Environment Committee.
Its vice president, deputy Adrian Gabriel, says the service is costly to provide:
"Night bus services are less about accessing work and public services and more about giving people an option to get home after a night out in town. Fares have been increased above inflation to ensure the ongoing viability of our bus service and to ensure that we are being financially prudent, given the current financial position of the States."
He says he doesn't believe that the proposed increase, due to come into effect in early June, will tempt people to drink and drive.
His committee's decision to increase both the night bus fare, and the round the island ticket, by 42% and 33% respectively, was taken in isolation:
“On this occasion the decision to propose this fare was not made in consultation with the Guernsey Taxi Drivers’ Association or coach tour operators, and there is no reason as to why it should have been."
Other fares will increase broadly in line with inflation:
“Bus travel is an essential service that connects people to employment, education, training and other opportunities, including community services and social networks. It is important that bus travel is affordable, which is why (as in other jurisdictions) the service is subsidised, with fares having not been increased since February 2022."
Islanders have until 26 May to comment on the proposed fare increases by contacting Driver & Vehicle Licensing, which is based at Edward T Wheadon House.