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Jersey Election 2022

Polls open Wednesday 22nd June | Join the discussion on Twitter: #JerseyElection22

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What's new in 2022?
  • How we elect States Members has changed.

    Jersey's 2022 election has brought in a number of changes to the way the island's States Assembly members are selected.

    As of this year, the role of Senator has been abolished - meaning candidates will only stand in their local constituency rather than an island-wide position.

  • Strength in numbers?

    While most candidates are still standing as independents, political parties are far more prominent in the 2022 election, with like-minded candidates grouping together behind a shared manifesto and priorities.

    The Jersey Alliance, Reform Jersey, and a coalition of the Jersey Liberal Conservatives and Progress Party are all fielding candidates across the island's nine electoral constituencies.

    Several independent candidates have also aligned themselves under the 'Better Way' banner - although it hasn't formally registered as a party so won't appear on the ballot paper.


  • The next States Assembly

    37 Deputies and 12 Constables will make up the next States Assembly.

In Your Area
  • Who is standing near me?

    The island's electoral districts have been re-drawn for the 2022 election, aiming to have the number of States Members representing an area better reflect its population density.

    For example, St Helier is split into three constituencies - North, Central and South - each with more Deputies than they had under the previous system. While in the more sparsely-populated rural parishes, some have been combined to create electoral 'super districts'.

    Each parish will still elect individual Constables as before, but voters will now have a 'none of the above' option on their ballot papers where only a single candidate is vying for a position.

  • Meet the candidates

    Click on your area to see the full list of candidates in the running to be your new Constable or Deputies.

    Map of the nine electoral districts
  • Will there be hustings events?

    Plans to scrap in-person hustings events this year were overturned by a States vote. They will be organised around the island and also be streamed online.


    One of the 2018 hustings events in Trinity

    There will also be online Question Time events for candidates in each district.

    You can find out more on Vote.je.

    Where do I vote?

    You can find your local polling station here.

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