Contact Us
If there's a message you'd like to send into the studio, drop an email to, text or WhatsApp 07797 887103 or call 01534 887103 to take part in competitions.
You can also download the Channel 103 app and send in voice messages to the studio - keep them clean!
If you've got a story for our news team, you can contact them through the News section of our website or email
Advertising, Sponsorships & Promotions
Our friendly commercial team can answer all your questions about advertising, whether it's on air or online.
You can fill out a few short questions on our Advertising page and one of our team will be in touch.
They can also be reached at or by calling 01534 887403.
Other Enquiries
You can write to us at:
Channel 103, 15 Britannia Place, Bath Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4YS
For charity and not-for-profit events, please submit your information to Island Info. The local event mentions you hear on air are taken from here.
For general enquiries, you can call our main switchboard on 01534 888103, email, or fill out the form below: